Director’s message

Dear friends, it gives me immense pleasure to report the success Vertico BPO Private Limited has had since its inception. Outsourcing office solutions are no easy task and managing the flow of information between teams is often a stressful job but one which we all persevere to do with the utmost regard.

The aim of the company has always been fulfilling its goals along with that of the client. Innovation and a broad mind set are two key factors which Vertico BPO has worked on tirelessly to master which in turn has enabled us to provide radical and industry oriented specialised office needs.

The policy of the organisation has always been to maximise employee productivity while and give each individual a chance to showcase their skills and talents.Vertico BPO provides a holistic work environment where individuals grow both in the personal as well as professional lives. The presence of a strong Human Resource Department further stresses on our goals and ensures employee satisfaction and also the development of a healthy bond with the company.

What the future holds is up to us and our efforts. The inclusion of Duncan Lewis since 2018 into our portfolio has proved to be a significant entry into the market and establishing a well-deserved spot for ourselves. Now, only by combining our will, dedication and every last drop of sweat and effort can we work towards the common objective of Vertico’s bright, prestigious and prosperous future.


Mohan Bharj

Director - Operations


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Information Technology

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Call Handling

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Finance & HR

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Legal outsourcing